Title: His usual afternoon nap.
Pairing/s: Jongkey
Word Count: 543
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Angst; Character death
Author :
decembersummer Summary:For a moment, jonghyun thought as if it was just yesterday that kibum was taking his usual afternoon nap. That moment snapped in a split second, when reality came crashing down
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Yup. 5 YEARS AGO. I still remember DBSK splitting. It was like one of the worst times in my whole life, believe me.
As for YunJae... :DD Lol, Yunho used to be my bias in past and then I totally loved YunJae... BUT a friend of my turned me into JaeMin XDD And now I don't like Yunho ._________. And I'm actually head over heels for Junsu *______*
Buuuuuuuuut... if you do ship YunJae... then maybe you'll be happy that I'm working on a HUGE YunJae one-shot :DDD Like, 10 000 words at least ^ ^
Bestfriend :D It's a girl ^ ^;; Lol lol lol you could call it a fanfic xDD
Noooo Changminnie will be born most likely on 26th of August it's my 8th month of ilusionary pregnancy rn XDD
TT____TT you know, I can always stop talking :X
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I love chaptered fics because I love the development of the plot, of characters and so on :D
It is indeed ^ ^' Only 2 and 1/3 chapters left~~~
Read it whenever you want to :D I have two one-shots you haven't read posted, just so you know :D
The constant fight between yunjae and jaemin. Like 2min and ontae now. Oh, i'm standing hard for 2min though. keke. My bais in dbsk is yoochun though, he's so damn cute. And their splitting, it must have really been tough... AND OMG? 10k, omg. CAN I HAVE A SNEAK PEAK OR SOMETHING?
Omg, you're so cute. I'm like laughing so hard... 8th month. Why not like, early birth, so it makes you weak (angst) then key will take good of you or something. kekeke.
Agreed on the character development part though. It's really important in a story :D I'm going start on your fic once i finish the text-fic. I'm still blank on ideas but I goona start writing it, like now. (link me your two-shots!)
Lol, really?? I didn't notice x"D I'm not that into DBSK fics actually. I've read only a couple. Somehow, I can't think of them this way... maybe that's because I've known them for so long...
but yet again I know SuJu like since 2007 and have no problems in reading fics about them. Well.
Lol I know you ship 2Min ^ ^ But I prefer OnTae actually~~^ ^
Aaaaaaaaaand I'm gonna write a OnHoTae fic really soon!! no, it WON'T be OT3 smut, it will be OnHo, 2Min and OnTae all in one one-shot
Oh yeah, Yoochun is totally adorable<333 And I love his couple talk with Junsu, YooSu are so sweet!!
There's been enough angst for now, because of me including heart-broken JongKey XDDD
I'm not cute, I'm stupid xD
Kekeke you mean like a preview for the fic?? I can't give you one yet 'cause I still haven't decided all the details in plot but as soon as I manage to do it I'll send it to you :DD Right now I have only the ending ^ ^ but I hope to end it before August :D
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