I'm so behind with stuff that my fannish post might just seem somewhat outdated to you :P
Here they're currently airing season two of Prison Break which I'm following. Two episodes every Sunday evening (which is sort of annoying because there's no cable at brother's place but I asked someone to record it for me) and I only missed episodes three and four. The ones in which Malone killed one of my fave characters, the maffia guy (damn, I can never remember his name!). Still quite loving it and love the fact that slowly it seems we're going to find out why the president's brother had to look dead.
Heroes is airing as well but I missed too many episodes to follow directly. Have some of it on DVD which
enigel sent me so as soon as I'm unpacked in the apartment, I'll be watching those as well. Other series which I might have seen included Dr Who and Life on Mars on BBC, but I didn't. I must find out if they will appear on DVD here anytime soon.
torquemadman promised to send me more of Bleach, which I'll be very happy about since I truly missed my anime and that's something which isn't airing here and which is hard to get by in normal stores. I don't have a Visa card myself so can't get them online either.
I bought season two of Deadwood since I loved the show so much I wanted to get the boxes and it was quite cheap. Now if I could only find box one. Still have to watch season two though, haven't gotten around to it yet. Might hold a Deadwood marathon some weekend when I'm in the apartment :P
Also got season one of the new Battlestar Galactica and now that I've seen the miniseries, some of the stuff makes a lot more sense. As long as I'm not comparing too much with the old show, I really like it but I'm still having a bit of trouble with the change in character of some. There are some really cool things in there though, love the new Cylons (both the robots, the flying 'pets' and the humans). Baltar has become one of my favourite characters, he's so lovely crazy. There's one thing I don't understand though and that's why so many people are fond of the new Starbuck. I really don't like her, but maybe that's just me.
Recent movies : Haven't been to the cinema all that much the last two months, I think I only saw 300 (OMG, so GOOD!) and The Good Shepherd. I definitely want 300 on DVD, it's so good. The Good Shepherd was good as well but in a very different, somewhat less enthusiastic way :P Films to watch this summer include the new Pirates of the Carribean (been drooling over the trailer for some time now), Shrek 3 and some more. Movie I missed but which I would have loved to see was The wild hogs, but I'm going to rent it on DVD, seemed like fun.