“The Death of Sherlock Holmes”
A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Castle
Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Summary: New York City isn't exactly Reichenbach Falls. My gift to
hazel_eyes_86 in celebration of
castleland’s Birthday Week.
“That’s Sherlock Holmes!” Castle gleefully identifies their latest victim. He’s certainly dressed the part, in formal Victorian clothes and a deerstalker cap.
As the case progresses, Castle starts quoting Holmes incessantly and refers to Beckett as “Watson” in spite of her pointed looks. A local Holmsian fan group recognizes the victim, providing his real name.
When Ryan appears with the victim’s particulars, Castle snags the printout.
“Our victim was an English teacher.”
“Maybe some of his students were responsible. High school students get into some bad stuff.”
Castle shakes his head. “Not high school.”
“What then?”
“Elementary, my dear Watson.”