My thoughts on Monday's episode.
1. It was really interesting to hear, scattered throughout the episode, Castle's thoughts on being wealthy, and how it affects his life. We've always known he was wealthy, but aside from a couple grandiose gestures, we haven't really seen it that much.
2. The whole storyline of Martha's inheritance, while it fit in very nicely with the story, was oddly jarring. I'm not sure why.
3. Okay, now I see where all the "Castle and Beckett get naughty in a nightclub" fics are coming from. And, okay, it was no "Knockdown" kiss, but it had a certain guh factor. I am a sucker for Beckett playing at being a sex kitten.
4. I am even more of a sucker for people assuming they're a couple - like Martha's asking if they're going on a date.
5. I loved Ryan's response to the "what numbers do you play" question.
6. How many of you have your cousins' birthdays memorized? Show of hands? Nope, me neither.
7. So the wife and daughter inherited tens of millions of dollars, and they're not considered suspects, or even asked for their alibis?
8. I had mixed feelings about Castle's big gift at the end of the episode. It felt like both a heartwarming gift and a grandiose gesture. I think I would have liked it better if he'd asked Beckett before he talked to the Dean.