Review of "Close Encounters of a Murderous Kind" (A 'Castle' Episode)

Nov 23, 2010 22:25

Random thoughts about last Monday's episode. Yes, it took me over a week. I'm taking procrastination lessons, but I skipped this week's lesson to post this.

1. In general, I loved this episode. I was an X-Files fan from the beginning, and I watched it through to the bitter end. Even without the plethora of references to the X-Files, this was fun, interesting episode and forerunner for my favorite of the season so far.
2. Yay Lance Henriksen!! He’s older than I remember - how long has it been since Millenium? Gack, over ten years? But still, yay Lance Henriksen!!
3. Noooooooo, Castle’s fallen to the plague of in-episode product placement. Don’t show us your Windows phone, Castle, please, for the love of artistic integrity everywhere!
4. Loved Beckett waking up with her head on Castle’s shoulder.
5. I liked how Beckett changed into a high-necked sweater after the “hickey” incident.
6. The first time I watched this episode, I read the translation as “My partner is crazy and may start flirting at any moment.” My version was much funnier. (It actually said firing.)
7. Loved that Castle knows Chinese because of a TV show he loved. Firefly reference FTW!
8. I wanna know what the M.I.B. told Beckett. I also want to hear more of Castle’s guesses, and Beckett’s reactions to them.

reviews: castle

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