
Jul 13, 2010 18:30


A drabble of 100 words

By December21st

Fandom: Castle

Rating: PG

Pairing: None

Warnings: Implied character death

Summary: In the face of failure, retreat may be the only option. Response to castle100 challenge endings.

A/N: Nominated for the Castle Fanfiction Awards.

When Ryan comes back from lunch, nearly everyone’s gone - someone must be dead - but Beckett’s still there.

“Hey, what’d I miss?”

Beckett stares at him blankly, like she doesn’t even recognize him. Something’s wrong. Then Ryan notices the blood saturating her blouse.

“Beckett, what happened? Are you okay?” Ryan moves forward anxiously, looking for a wound.

“Guy with a gun, but I’m fine. It’s not my blood. Castle shoved me out of the way.” She tells him emotionlessly.

“Where is he?” Castle should be looking after Beckett. He’s good at that.

“Downstairs with Lanie.” Beckett’s voice is flat and lifeless.

fic length: drabble, honors: nominated, fanfic: castle, comm: castle100

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