“Play It Again, Sam”
A drabble of 100 words
By December
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: None (honest!)
Warnings: Vague reference to sex. A couple bad words.
Summary: "Here's looking at you, kid." Response to
100_ghosts week #23 prompt "sex, lies and videotape."
"I really don't need to watch that again."
"What's the problem, Sammy? Two people joined together the way nature intended ... well, maybe except for that last part. Skeeter said to watch it at least twice."
"Skeeter's a pervert."
"Well, yeah, but he was also a damn good Hunter before the accident."
"Once more. Then I'm going to go scrub my eyes until they're clean again."
"Just hit play."
"Dean? Wasn't she shorter the first time?"
"And blonde? She was blonde, right?"
"She's not now."
"And the guy, he seems nervous. Was he nervous before?"
"Play it again."