
Mar 23, 2008 14:06


A drabble of 100 words

By December

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: PG

Pairing: None

Warnings: None.

Summary: "Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." Response to 100_ghosts week #11 prompt "curiousity killed the cat."

The demon/cat/girl/god/hunter (her kind didn’t have a name) was so proud that she’d recognized the two men as Hunters. Followed them here. She’d tear their throats out -- the tall one first. She entered the abandoned house silently, heading up the stairs, when she heard a mechanical whirring coming from the cellar. She’d start with the second floor - no, she’d search the cellar first. Much better plan. The noise grew louder as the demon/cat/girl/god/hunter padded down the cellar stairs. What was that noise? Oh. Just a little wind-up dog. Why would … oh. Ow. She meant to die like that.

comm: 100_ghosts, fic length: drabble, fanfic: supernatural

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