
Feb 27, 2008 19:21


A drabble of 100 words

By December

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: G

Pairing: None

Warnings: None

Summary: How to use an umbrella. Response to 100_ghosts week #08 prompt "It never rains but it pours." My first drabble for this community.

Morton, South Dakota, was suddenly plagued by strange weather. Torrential downpours from a clear sky. Seven inches of powder snow. In June.

The Winchesters sat in a tiny park discussing possible explanations when a little girl in a yellow raincoat approached Sam.

"I got a unbrella for my birfday," she announced. "The birfday fairy showed me how it works. He'll show you, too, if you have neat stuff like a unbrella or a sled."

"Okay, sweetheart," Sam smiled, shrugging at Dean.

"Not him. Just you. And others like you," she said, opening her umbrella just as it started to rain.

comm: 100_ghosts, fic length: drabble, about me: my favorite fics, fanfic: supernatural

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