I've recently been thinking about Haven quite a bit, in spite of the fact that we won't have new episodes for a couple more months.
And I decided to come up with a few predictions for what will happen in Season 3 before any real spoilers make it out into the world.
The following post has big spoilers for Seasons 1 and 2, but only idle speculation for Season 3.
The Cliffhanger:
Duke and Nathan did not shoot each other. The gunshot was from someone else trying to get their attention (and shooting the ceiling.) Nathan and Duke will set aside their differences and work together to find Audrey. We will see Audrey in the episode, but as a captive somewhere. Duke and Nathan will find her by the end of first episode.
We'll find out more about some of her previous personalities - not just Lucy Ripley, but Sarah and some of the others too. There will be some tantalizing hints about who Audrey really is and/or what she's doing in Haven, but it won't be fully explained. Audrey takes a break from the Haven Police Department for a few episodes.
Nathan will grow to accept his Trouble more than he ever has before, and reluctantly start taking his place as the leader of the Troubled in Haven. He will become Police Chief again - for good, this time.
They won't pick up where they left off, due to emotional reprecussions from the first episode, but they'll be sleeping together by the end of the season.
Duke's Trouble will mostly be ignored, but sometime about mid-season, he will have to use it to kill someone in self-defense or to defend Nathan or Audrey or an innocent bystander. Even though it was justified (he'll kill Bill the Serial Killer, not Bill's dear old dad), he'll be eaten up about it for at least one full episode following that. Duke will try to remain neutral in the pro-/anti-Troubled conflict, but when push comes to shove, he tries to do what's right.
The Teagues Brothers:
We'll find out more about their connection to Sarah, and what their relationship was with her. They will NOT be revealed to have Troubles of their own ... or possibly one of Duke's ancestors eliminated a Trouble from their family line.
Other Characters:
Dwight will be back and will appear for about a third of the episodes ... but he'll be killed by the end of the season. Julia Carr, Jess Minion and Chris Brody will not return, or even be mentioned. Agent Howard will be back, but he will appear at a most unexpected time, and only for one episode.We'll have the usual two or three guest characters that last for about three episodes. None of them will be romantic connections for Duke, Nathan or Audrey ... but possibly for Dwight or an old flame of one of the Teagues. One of these characters will try to reveal the truth about Haven to the world, but will fail.
The Troubles:
We'll see more unusual Troubles in standalone episodes, like Anson Shumway's time loop or Cornell Stameron's copies. We'll also see more about Troubles following a family line (like the Wendigo sisters or the Glendower mermen), seeing siblings with different Troubles, or even a person who has two Troubles.
The Overall Plot:
We find that a mysterious group is trying to manipulate events in Haven behind the scenes. They were the ones who planted Duke's whistle at the scene of Audrey's kidnapping. They are the ones that Lucy was running from when she was afraid that they would "erase" her. Agent Howard is associated with this group. Their motivations are murky at best.
We'll also see more of the tattoo secret society, but they're basically just a fraternity of the Troubled and not involved any more with the secrets of Haven than we've already seen. Nathan joined them, hence his tattoo in the cliffhanger.
So, what do you think will happen in Season 3?
(I'd appreciate it if you don't share any actual spoilers that you do know.)