Feb 15, 2005 21:04
Dont you hate it when you watch a tv show, and sometimes things are so perfect for them, and you just wish you could be them, yea times like that sucks, like times when you say, it would be great to have something like that, and lucky her. What sucks is in real life, nothings great. Well not in my life. Sometimes is seems like you try so hard for things to be great, and you get nowhere, so you think why even try, just take things as they are, not great, and not going to be great. Sometimes I dont see the point in thinking positive. I think i've had my share of thinking positive and positive things never happening, so why even think it. I mean its much easier looking at things negatively, then you never get let down by thinking something greats going to happen and it doesnt. If you think negatively then if something positive happens its a plus, I guess. I dont kno, I guess I just dont understand looking at things in a positive way, seems to me like a waste of time. People always say your teenage years are the best and they say i'd give anything to be your age again, but i dont see why. its not all that great for me. Actually i rather be older. I dont see this whole greatness at being young. And that high schools your golden years. I'd have to say b/s to that one. High School is just Drama, and drama filled kids,. it definitly sucks. I guess i just wish things could be different in my life, but thats not happening, so I gotta just take things how they are.