...getting out of bed is hard it's cold outside of my duvet and once i get up it usually means i have to go to work.
Things that have made me happy:
+ the brothers Grimm (film)
+ blueberry pancakes
+ new socks
+ end of year 1 anniversary
+ the dark night on blueray
+ doing well at work
+ cycling
+ making chocolate cake
Things that have made me sad:
- Uncle Graham's car accident
- bitches with false notes (work)
- being poor and bored and fed up
- missing people
- new skins is tres disappointing
Today is my day off; i was gonna go out on my bike for a bit. But then i got up late and it's cold and gets dark fast and i couldn't be arsed. So I got washed and put pretty clothes on and i've just been sitting around reading and drinking tea and stuff, which has been good so far.