Supernatural Episode Discussion
4x19 - Jump The Shark
This is my first episode of Supernatural in real time and I have to say - Damn you commercials DAMN YOU!!!!! *shakes fist in anger*
Good but it just felt like something was missing. I can't explain it. It just left me feeling... odd for lack of a better word. :/
The Good:
Sam brushing his teeth was lulzy - at least the boys keep up with their dental hygiene!
Ugh poor Dean - brb offering him my body some comfort. Jensen can say so much with just a look.
Adam reminds me of old Sammy :'(
The rock/sissors call back from previous episodes. Small things like this is why I love this show (and how I met your mother) The little and funny call backs are always great. :)
"Do I get a say in this?" Unanimous: "NO!" - lolololol
Sam being all big bro-ish towards Adam was sweet.
Pretty sure I'm going to hell for laughing at the "Sloppy Joe" joke.
Oooh Sam tastes funny - To much demon blood Sammy! I was kind of hoping this would be the episode where Dean finally finds out that Sam has been up to no good with Ruby.
The Bad:
God the photoshop was horrible on the family photos. And if they were real then fail at realization SPN - big fail.
Who the fuck puts their bed OVER a vent? Seriously.
Okay so all this time the boys never noticed or discussed 2 pages missing in John's book? pfft *rolls eyes*
A lot of the scenes were to dark. Maybe it was just my tv but I had to turn all the damn lights off just to see what was going on half the time during this episode.
Those fucking mutli-green CW ads need to diaf.
Next Weeks Preview: It sounded like Anna saying "he got sent home." ugh dnw Anna. She's boring and pointless imo. :/
Am I the only who didn't think John was a dirty man whore before this episode?
Am I the only one that didn't like Adam calling John Dad? He should be called Sir or John who the fuck do you think you are Adam?
What do you think Dean meant by: "You're more like him then I will ever be."?
Do you think it was really a compliment? Reasoning please. :)
Overall thoughts/random ramblings.
EDIT: I think it's time for SPN Icon or Two. Give me some good lj comm linkage please! :D <3
My Answers:
1 - It just seemed off to me that they portrayed him as a dirty slut. The way he was portrayed imo was that he missed Mary deeply. I get it, every man has his needs and while I guess you can miss someone and still get nookie I just didn't see John being that way. Technically Adam stemmed from a one night stand but still. *sigh* I'm not making any sense and can't explain what I mean but just seemed OOC for John imo.
2 - Sorry I just didn't like it. He wasn't a Winchester - he shouldn't call him Dad. :/
3 - I'm really pondering over this. I can't decide if it's because Sam and John both wanted to protect their loved ones (or in John's case his secret family) from the truth, since Sam didn't tell Jess the truth about him self? Or because they've both lost people to the demon and are hell bent on revenge? I just don't know *sigh* There are a million thoughts going through my head right now and I just can't make sense enough of any of them to put them down. Sorry. :(
4 - Something tells me no. I think Dean is finally starting to realize Sammy isn't '"Sammy" any more. Obviously, he's known. But after this episode I think it's pain stakingly clear.