ok so like nuthins new.i'm sick again...well worse,i never got better but n-e-ways yeah.i was suppost to go to the doctor monday but i went out w/ amanda instead haha.yesterday i started having sharp pains in my ear and every time that happens i know i need to go to the doctor or i'll crash,but i havent been still and prolly wont until after x-mas or something but thats ok.This prolly sounds super selfish but oh well.I said i wanted a ps2 for xmas cuz i havent and a game system since i was like 10.i'm not into video games but i really wanted one this year cuz there's 2 games i like to play,well i was informed that my mother didnt get it for me....i am soooo mad.she said she got me a lot of but you know what i dont care! i am SO not in the mood for xmas now.I just want Jack Jack here,which he's coming YAY. oh yeah Angels ,that sux.i was gonna upload some pics on here but you know what....its not working! this computer sux ass! i'll have to do it some other time.i lost a lot of them which sux but w/e that! HOLY ! that last day of school me and juana skipped out at 11 cuz we didnt wanna stay and we went to her brother's house and we got so in' stoned.Like seriously i've NEVER been that ed up b4.It was funny though...well...everything was funny lol.That night I crashed hard and woke up confused lol. Then Jen stayed the night saturday we got so sick! sunday was the day to relax cuz i was so sick, ok enough writing i'm out