Perhaps it's time to revisit this here Live Journal of mine, ya think?
This three day weekend that's winding down was really fun, for me.
Friday night was Bunker, which I went to with April and Kenny.
And was greeted there by Mama Len and 'Soooooome Pig!' (haha, sorry Amanda <3<3)
Naturally, I drank more than was wise but it was all good fun.
Afterward, we all went to Denny's to pig out. I assed out on the pull out sofa
at Kenny's place as did April.
Took my walk of shame into the front door around 11am.
And when I say "into the front door" I really do mean into.
The door sticks and my feeble, hungover muscles didn't use the needed force,
but my legs tried to walk me inside anyhow.
It was far more embarrassing than it was painful.
Once inside, I fell back asleep despite my having told myself I wouldnt.
I woke up for the second time that day and got ready to go over to Volk's
place for his annual BBQ shindig.
I even went along with the luau theme this year, casting aside my fear
that 'Kylie Luau Attire = Asinine' and wearing a lace sarong
and glittery leis around my ankles and in my hair. Hahah.
Met up with my Punkrock Heather in the kitchen and started drinking beers while
she told me about her boy that I was to meet shortly thereafter.
Who was, fabulously, adorable.
Party hopping commenced; from Volk's I ended up going with Kenny to his friends
birthday gathering in Camarillo.
I was a bit timid feeling, going and knowing only him. But I'm so pleased
I wound up going along because I had fun and had THEE best time with
satin_gloves talking and laughing at Kenny feeling himself up
in his drunken sleep on the floor.
Yesterday, the drive home was hysterical fun. I think we were delirious,
or crazed or just plain looped from all the partying and minimal sleep.
Any way you slice it, it added up to that kind of fun that you had to
be there to get. Or else, it just sounds dumb. Probably because it mostly is =P
I wanted to go out last night, but as soon as I was 2 blocks from my house,
the giddyness wore off and I started to feel really pukey and achy and got
a wicked headache.
So I hung out with my doggy, and that was all the fun I needed.
There! A full update! Holla!