Jul 26, 2010 15:35
I dreamed that Wilmer Valderrama was doing a webcast in my dream basement -
and for some reason - David Letterman was also there - smoking a cigar and
whipping Wilmer around! I woke up just a bit feeling perplexed - and cursing Christopher Nolan
for putting these images of basement and repressed shadows in my head lol
- eh I really don't think I'm a closet masochist.
Before the basement bit
I was helping a nice chauffeur lady get Tori Amos to the airport - at one point
I think I Was the jet.... then we got stuck in a tunnel - and Tori had to walk to her
destination wearing complicated shoes - Why are my dreams filled with Celebrities!???
The Night before I Preston and Nathan at some sort of giant Hotel
by the Sea where a carnivale was going on while a storm raged at sea -
I recall I giant clipper ship being engulfed in waves whilst anchored
at the beach.... the ship and waves were very artistic - and more whimisical
than deadly...
Back to Christopher Nolan - Inception was a good film but I realize
I do not like Christopher Nolan as a director. Its more of an aesthetic bone to pick.
His story lines seem to be all about men or masculine women having a pissing contest
to see who can be the baddest baddass or out-do eachother with their coolness in some way...
It seems rather dull to me and at its core - his movies feel - well - Heartless. This works very well
for Batman movies I guess... to compare - I think Quentin Tarantino is a feminist
- his heroines are strong :D he always throws in some whimisical pop culture irony to boot.
Darrin AronOfSky completly redeemed his dark
sensibilities with the deeply spiritual film The Fountain.... I was hoping Inception
would have more of a spirtual connection - but it only seemed to have
women being used by men so the men could mindfrak eachother.....
So in my opinion - Chris Nolan's aesthetic is rather like - wham bam
thank you m'am and lets see who can be the most mentally appealing
and mindfrag eachother - find some heart and soul Christopher Nolan -
I'd really like to love your movies more....