A Slow-Dying Wish

May 22, 2004 20:02


Millions of years from my confession
we stand, watching waves reach up the shore…
We’re free of all strife and aggression;
I say I love you, just as before.

A captivating world was your hand
when you grasped for my heart from afar.
I did not await my mind’s command,
did not hesitate to seek your star.

A slow enchanting song was your smile
when you showed me Heaven in your eyes.
You asked me to stay and gaze awhile
upon our perpetual paradise…

Lingering sunsets hung up to dry
like oil paintings on my heart’s canvas
remind me of all the reasons why
life needs not exist outside of us.

Millions of years from where we started
we meet like waves leaping up to shore…
Unlike the sea, we have not parted;
Each millisecond I love you more.
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