Hey all, long time, no chat! I know we're all strapped for cash, and I already have FAR too much perfume, but I have to say I kinda miss all the decant circles. AND... I got the Possets newsletter and I have to say some of the
Spring scents sound yummy. I'm just saying. ;) *cough*
And in the spirit of fostering conversation, here's a question. I've been going back through my collection and wearing some of my older scents and rediscovering why I fell in love with them in the first place. So... what are your top 10 favorite scents right now? I know mood and seasons and stuff affect it, so I just wanna know what you are into currently :).
My current top 10 in no order:
BON VIVANT - An effervescent blend of crystalline champagne notes and sweet strawberry.
BENGAL - skin musk with honey, peppers, clove, cinnamon bark and ginger.
DANA O'SHEE - Offerings of milk, honey and sweet grains.
WHIP - Black leather and damp red rose.
HALLOWEEN - Incensy, spicy, and manages to capture the width of a dimming blue October sky.
SEX WITH THE SPIRITS - Very earth-like but yet with a huge shot of vapor, spice and a bit of cake roll around with a perfumy back lash...
Conjure Oil:
Poison Apple 2008 - green apples coated in caramel sprinkled with brown sugar slathered in buttered rum.
Grandma's House - This is fond memory blend of walking into her house with a batch of gingerbread cooking, candied apples cooling, and vanilla frosted butter cookies ready to eat.
Sparkle Dust - A little champagne, some vanilla cream, mangoes, sugar, cookie crumbles, and much more!
Mythos Mixture:
Angelitos - Mexican sweets - cajeta, sopaipilla and chocolate skulls.