my kittehs has arrived!! thank you
saribeth for everything - the swaps are good, the kittehs are WONDERFUL, and i love the goodies. the timing was perfect! my father-in-law and lily's cousin are here visiting, so she's taking mexico city home for her mother. lily and bella claimed the kitten stickers, and lily has already glomed onto the demeter banana flambe. *LOL*
a quick sniff of everything:
mexico city - i think my sister-in-law will like it - she likes floral & spicy and this seems like a good combo of both.
thailand - it's coconut, but not a creamy fruity coconut. it's more of a "smelling the outside of an unopened green coconut". it bears further examination.
golden autumn - spicy and sweet - a perfect autumn scent
over the rhine - this is another "carter in college" scent - i really like it
forever home - there is a foody note in this that reminds me of my grandmother's house. i like it in a melancholy kind of way.
penelope - sweet and foody, but lighter than the other two.
maggie - OMG this is a hungrifiying scent for sure. that's not a real word - but in this case, it should be!!
banana flambe - i'm not usually a big fana ov teh banana, but this is yummy!! not that it matters either way - lily claimed it at first sniff. ^_^