Just a reminder that I was planning on closing the Act III Decant Circle (sign up post here:
http://community.livejournal.com/decantations/117522.html ) this evening.
Right now we don't have a ton of bottles being purchased. Technically only one qualifies, though I was planning on pushing another one through, and maybe two.
Being my first circle, I'm undecided on a couple points here. Assistance appreciated!
1) First, just a plea: if you're planning on signing up for any scents, dropping out of any scents, or will buy additional slots to push any scents through, please let me know ASAP
2) Another plea: if you have perfume lovers on your friends list, would you please let them know about the circle if you haven't already?
3) Originally I was planning on closing the circle today, giving everyone until Friday to pay, and ordering the bottles on Friday. I see two options here...what's best?
A) Close the circle tonight as planned, order the bottles tonight, still give everyone until the end of the week to pay.
B) Leave the circle open until Friday, then order bottles and collect payment (maybe give an extra day or two for payment, after totals are posted) at the same time.
What's everyone's preference?
I'm pretty laidback, so I'm willing to 'go with the flow'.
My thoughts: option B only makes sense if other people are planning to jump in to the circle but are holding back for some reason. Otherwise, option A gets the bottles to the rest of us faster. ;) I'm OK with what's being ordered right now, so I'm personally OK with option A. Other participants, I leave the vote to you now!
Thanks, everyone!