Apr 28, 2011 13:45
My dog's heart gallop (which, as I've read, is a rare and deadly thing) has gone away with the treatment of her strep throat! The infection had gone to her heart. The only thing I took her in for was the fact that she was swallowing more often and was snoring a little.
But the main thing is, IT'S GONE!!! *saga-like blingees* She has a slight heart murmur now from a mitral valve problem, but dogs can live with that for years.
In other news, Calico Pigistair Knox has two front teeth again. Also he doesn't mind people lifting up his lips anymore because he's pretty sure this is a normal five-times-daily experience for any rodent. Also he doesn't understand why people leave piles of cardboard boxes up without allowing guinea pigs to explore them, and is sure that we are jerks. Unless we are feeding him mangos, and then we are GODS.
Looks like I'll be going to pharmacy school with pets after all! Love you guys for listening to me with all of my worrying and sadness this last little bit.
sunshine and puppies,
sloppy kisses