Oct 14, 2010 22:41

oh god wut

Riordan's pack was tossed nearby and Duncan dove for it, beneath the rough blades, and swallowed back the first potion he could dig out. The last hurlock was cut down swiftly.

He... he felt better. Much better, in fact. He blinked as colors around him became sharper, then took on distinct scents. Like the smell of Fiona, a crisp scent that sawed at his nerves. He smiled at her, his old friend, because there she was.

"Fiona," he said, or thought he said, and reached for her, for her rough hair, her rough... pine-scented hair. He stepped closer to her and her face felt sticky, as if she had been crying. "It's all right," he reassured her, and kissed her face just before someone pulled her away. Hours later, he would wonder at the splinters on the inside of his lip.

i don't even, i apologize to everyone, sunshine and puppies, duncan, sloppy kisses

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