
Jul 09, 2010 22:52


[x] regeneration
[x] strength (currently halved)
[x] chiropteran form
[x] superhuman speed
[x] ability to survive without organs (nerfed)
[x] communicate with other chiropterans (supersonic hearing/speech)
[x] the need to drink blood
heightened senses:
  [ ] sight
  [x] hearing
  [ ] taste
  [ ] smell
[x] inability to sleep
secondary shapeshifting (ability to take on the following by drinking someone's blood):
  [x] voice
  [x] appearance
  [x] general mannerisms
[x] halt in aging
[ ] immunity to poisons

personal items;

[x] blue rose bushes
[x] clothing
[x] crate of Beaujolais Nouveau
[ ] prosthetic arm bomb
[x] bags of candy
[ ] dagger
[ ] armchair
selection of literature:
[x] Shakespeare
[ ] Fabre
[ ] Herman Hesse's Das Nachtpfauenauge
[x] Sebastien Castellion's La Bible


[ ] missing right arm
[x] D-67 chiropteran

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