
Oct 11, 2007 01:42

Last entry here. I'll be moving to
villanelle starting tomorrow.

This isn't anything personal, I simply felt that
decadentrebel as a username has no special meaning to me, unlike Villanelle which was a pen name I used for a good four years, plus she's one of the most evocative literary characters I've read and always adored. I also feel like I've been censoring myself on this journal and have been journaling at
villanelle for the last few months because of this, and now I just feel that it's time to make the change permanent.

I thought of just simply renaming this journal but renaming isn't enough for me, I WANT to start over and will do so. I'll still be keeping this journal as a personal archive and will still be using this for fandom purposes (posting mod posts on
diexkaorulove and other comms I mod, for example) but this journal will not be updated anymore.

You're all welcome to friend my new journal but I just want to make it clear that there will be private entries. There are just some things I want to keep to myself and only to myself, being on my flist doesn't make you privy to everything about my life.This is also the time to say that while I love fandom it isn't my entire life. I go online mostly to distract myself and catch up on the lives of the people on my flist, and this also includes fandom. What I do online doesn't sum up everything about me, so if Die, DxK, Dir en grey, jrock and fandom is all we have in common it would really be best to not friend me. I will still post creative outputs on my writing journal for that.
villanelle is a personal journal so there will be plenty of posts about my personal life. If you're not interested in me as a person beyond what I am in fandom or if most of my talk about work and what I do everyday bores you then we most likely won't have much to say to each other.

I will not necessarily friend everyone who friends me, and it's nothing personal, I just don't feel, usually, that we have anything in common that makes it necessary for us to be on each other's flists.

- Adrienne

P.S. Comments disabled now, sorry! That was supposed to be my original intention but I forgot to do that, apparently. >_> Again, no need to ask permission, if you feel like adding me, add me, if I don't add you back, nothing personal, we just don't click.
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