OhmyGUH. #61-70 is SO RUI. I could watch that scene over and over again and still not get BORED. Plus, aww, Rui on my icon. *_*
indice, confession! The real reason I was awake all night was because I was marathoning DN. >.< Good GOD, I love Light, the way he killed Naomi Misora by writing her name right in front of her face at the end of episode 7 was so quintessential Light and I love it to bits.
Speaking of television shows, I am still disappointed beyond means by the season opener of Heroes. D:< It needed Kristen Bell, dammit.
Edited to add: I really need a change from writing Kaoru, and while I'm not a fan of one-word prompts, I think
this is a pretty interesting thing to try out. Not sure if I should claim Miya or Wataru, though. I'd claim Die, but that would be committing mental suicide (for me, at least), and he's taken anyway.