Jan 30, 2009 11:51
1. I got really confused walking to school as to why my eyes hurt...then I realized the sun had come out for the first time in a few days.
2. I think Statistics 216 is sadly going to be my easy class this semester.
3. I hate going to the gym and there's the one really skinny girl who's using the treadmill to walk.
4. Um, excuse me, maybe someone would like to use that to TRY and work up some sweat, thank you.
5. Note this is not the girl rehabing a bum knee or anything, she's just...walking.
6. And I don't have anything against walking, I just have a general loathing of people who don't try. Or are lazy.
7. Like our neighbors, who instead of shoveling the snow on the sidewalk in December, decided it let it form into 2-3 inches of solid ice that we wasted half a bag of ice melt on and chipped out so we wouldn't have to risk falling on our ass every time we wanted to go to the mailbox.
8. This sidewalk is maybe 7 feet long mind you...it would have taken 5 minutes.
9. 2 miles in 24:28. Not my best but not bad for not having gone to the gym in a few weeks.
10. I miss a lot of people and wish I knew how to be closer to some that I do genuinely like. :(