Oct 23, 2008 19:02
It has certainly been awhile since I last graced Live Journal with my ether, but I though I'd stop by and shake it firmly by the hand like an old friend I've not seen in an age.
(As you can see I've not lost my talent for pretenious nonesense!)
So whats new pussycat you ask?
Well for one thing I have a job, working in stocks and shares of all things. My first week was the week everything decided to go downhill so you can imagine the fun I've been having getting to decide how much money rich people can have. The class war is not dead Mr Blair, its just taken a new approach.
The job is high pressured but to be honest I'm getting into my stride with it though I dont intend to stay there long, just long enough to get a decent mileage on my C.V. and the money is very good so I can't complain.
My burlesque/MC/Compere career has been very good with offers to do shows and album launches one of which will be with Mr Des O Connor in November for the band Spit Like This . . . nice! Also will host the second Dr Sketchy's in Birmingham next year which will be a hoot!
As for Tassel Time things there have been a bit quiet due to alot in my life taking shape, but an explosion of episodes will be hitting the internet airwaves but then oh my friends very exciting plans lay afoot. Very exciting TOP SECRET plans, all of which will come out sooner or later.
Me and Bek couldn't be better, and on the 29th we come up to our first year anniversary. This is simply bizarre for me as I have never had a relationship like this and I dont intend to lose it thats for sure!
I'm now listening to my interview with The World Famous *BOB* and cant wait to get it out there as soon as possible. This is one of those interviews where you let the guest speak for themselves and the interviewer takes a back seat, such is the power this woman has one people who meet her. So watch out for that!
Right, I think I've babbled enough for now, I'm going off to wax my tash!
Toodle pip!