Aug 09, 2005 19:47
One day I will be able to think of good and relevant subject lines, but until that time I can be silly. It's my right! Really it is!
So... yeah. I talked to Tommy about my personal problem. I feel much better now. Villagers rejoice all around. I'm in Jacksonville right now. I just got in from Orlando a few hours ago and me and my cousin are hanging out in her boyfriend's hotel room. It's all completely aboveboard and pure. Yay.
I found a sentence and I want to write a scene about it. It will be beautiful and dark and just kind of wrong. *Squee* It's about kissing someone you kind of hate but also don't and you can't even say why there's kissing you just are because you're the only ones left and it hurts. I wibble in joy. I do. I. Do. Hmph. I just showed the premise to my cousin and she gave me The Look. She's so cruel! Oh the pain. *sob* But there will also be references to Shakespeare and "The Hollow Men". Lalala. I can't wait to start writing about this.
My new shiny obsession: Constantine (the movieverse). Rachel Weisz is beautiful. Le sigh.
I'd best be off now since this is not my computer. If you need to get in touch with me just email or something. Oh yeah... you can actually reply here too.