OhEmGee, funniest thing ever!

Nov 04, 2007 22:43

So this person has been stalking me (by stalking I mean, coming to /every/ thread I go to, posting on /every/ thread I post in saying bad and WRONG things about me) so I alerted mods about it because it's just gotten ridiculous and out of hand.
So they go ahead and post on the main page a big "H31P!!1one" to everyone saying I'm lying and whatever. I'm tempted to respond to that, saying if they aren't stalking me then why on earth do they appear in EVERY thread I ever post in and why do they continue to spread rumors about me?
I posted in response to their thread explaining why I feel they're stalking me etc. I dunno what they'll say.
Here's a screencap and the link to it for as long as it lasts.
( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v337/witchgirl69/stalking.jpg )

I just find this all HILLARIOUS! It all started over me just trying to help them because they kept spamming the forums and bumping their threads over and over. I politely told them that the mods may delete their whole thread then maybe even the account if it continued and to just be careful about that and the chick blew up. It was funny. I'm amused.
I do wonder what will happen.

Please, do tell me what you think. Am I out of line or..?

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