Feb 25, 2006 12:53
Grrrrrr, so Trinity, a very gorgeous net friend of mine, is using her female powers on me to make me write in this horrible contraption of the mind type thing.
But anyways, I've got a show tonight with the band I'm in, at this fucking KICKASS place, I can't wait, theres gonna be sooooooo many drugs there tonight. And the best part is, I get to do 'em for FREE!!! hahahahah!!!
But yea, it's fuckin snowin outside, an it better stop or else I shall go outside, track down the weather gods and fling poo at them.
Still feelin kinda groggy from the whole sickness thing, hoppin that goes away sometime in the near future.
OH YEA!! I can't forget to mention the hotness that was last nights coke dreams....holy shit I had so much fun, I didn't get any sleep so much as I got meditative rest, i was in almost a constant REM state for bout 6 hours. It was great. But i'm not gonna get into the dreams cuz they were pretty much incoherent.
Tho alot of 'em did center around Amy.
Anyways, I'm gonna wrap this up as I need a shower soon...