
Офис на колёсах

Nov 16, 2011 13:23

В 1923 году, как только прогноз погоды сулил выпадение снега, по всему городу появлялись такие перевозные офисы-вагончики. С их помощью любой желающий мог наняться на одноразовую работу по очистке дорог.

Офис на колёсах. Вашингтон, 2 февраля 1923

Perambulating Offices To Sign Snow Cleaners
Hacker Prepares to Meet Jack Frost More Than
Half Way and Keep Traffic Open.

Morris Hacker has nothing against Jack Frost personally, but just the same he has determined that Jack's pranks shall not interfere with the life of Washington. Mr. Hacker is in charge of the city refuse department, and the next time Jack gets busy sprinkling snow Mr. Hacker is prepared to get busy shoveling it away.

Distributed throughout the city at prominent street intersections Mr. Hacker will have small houses on wheels bearing the sign, "If it snows apply here for a job." Whenever Jack Frost intimates that snow is in the offing Mr. Hacker will send out the wheeled offices, in each of which will be a representative to sign up laborers to clear the streets of snow so traffic will not be interrupted. There was an intimation yesterday that snow was due for the District and the wheeled offices made there first appearance. One was stationed at Fourteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue in front of the District building.

Whether it was because of the preparations made to frustrate the "conspiracy" Jack Frost failed to shake from his cloak the threatened snow yesterday.

Washington Post, Feb 1, 1923

В статье интересно персонифицируют приход зимы, называя её Джек Фрост. Джек Фрост - это такой персонаж английского фольклора, который чем-то похож на нашего Деда Мороза, но не доброго, а такого пакостливого, даже жестокого.

retro, usa

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