May 14, 2010 15:50
Why my mind wandered this way I do not know. But I came to a realization that there are only 7 basic types of people on the internet. This is a BASIC type, mind you, people can be a mix of any of these (except #1), and subcategories within those listed here.
1. Real People - 1% of the internet
The smallest segment of the population. These are people who use the internet for mundane or innocent reasons, and those reasons ONLY.
2. Emo - 10% of the internet
Pretty self explanatory, really. Many times mistakenly thought to be a higher percentage, a little emo goes a long way. Drama Queens are a subset of Emo and not a category unto themselves because both Emo and Drama Queens draw attention onto themselves, although for slightly different reasons.
3. Obsessed - 10% of the internet
Origionally titled "Gamers", I expanded this category to include all people who talk, chat, think, and post about one specific aspect of their lives. Usually regulated to small corners of the internet, they have no need to go elsewhere.
4. Troll - 30% of the internet
Trolls are different from category #4 as they do freaky things because they like watching you squirm. The best Trolls comprise less than 1% of the internet, however. Many Trolls started out as Freaks.
5. Freak - 30% of the internet
Freaks differ from Trolls in that they do freaky things because they enjoy it. Freaks easily can, and often do, cross into Troll territory, either by accident or on purpose.
6. Hacker - 2% of the internet
True hackers are extremely rare. Most who claim to be are just computer nerds. Even more fall into category #7.
7. Poser - depending on the category in question, 10% to 90% of the internet
People who claim to be either a Hacker, Freak, Troll, or Emo, but are not, and most importantly, KNOW that they are not.
You may notice that the percentages do not add up to 100%. That is because, as stated earlier, many people cross between basic types and therefore round out the missing percentage points.
As for myself....
80% Freak
20% Troll