It's been a busy few days - but given my social butterfly-ness, that's not altogether surprising, is it?
Friday evening FuzzyBen and I took it easy - dinner with his flatmates (ah, pizza, we love you so) after a trip out in the monsoon/hurricane to collect it; followed by watching The Iron Giant on DVD. I remember reading the Ted Hughes story when I was little (along with a book of his short stories that I can't remember as well - something about a whale?), so it was a real treat to see it translated to animated form so well. When I saw the credits at the end and realised the Giant's voice was Vin Diesel I laughed fit to bust, as it was just so appropriate.
Saturday morning I hauled my carcass into work after Ben made me toast and tea, and spent the morning getting my filing done. I try to come in about once ever six weeks or so and get it started and finished in one go. It's impossible to do during the week, as it takes up a bit of room to sort all the paperwork before filing it, and during the week I just keep getting interrupted, so I lose motivation pretty fast.
Then it was time for (da da dum) some shopping! Needed new shoes for winter, and at The Warehouse™ I managed to find some nice men's black leather shoes. Like the shoes I used to wear to school so many years ago (black leather lace-up, not clunky), so they're comfortable except for the soles being a bit hard. They'll soften in time. Anyhow, they go really well with my black trousers, my jeans, just about anything really, and I can wear them dressy places if I don't want to suffer in heels. So a good purchase for $50. I also picked up a HUGE pinstriped maternity shirt, which is damn comfortable and I can wear unbuttoned over singlets as the temperature contines to drop. It only cost $24, so I'm happy. That'll be it for clothing purchases for a while ... but they'll do nicely.
I spent a few hours that afternoon doing beauty prep - I kicked back and watched Third Watch and The O.C. while I Nair™ed my legs and my bikini area. You know, for the amount of time it takes (and mess it makes) it doesn't seem to last any longer than shaving does. Sheesh! A quick shower and judicious applications of make-up and clothes later, and I was ready to be collected by Alabaster. Of course, the thirty seconds to get from the house to the car ruined the carefully created feminine look, but never mind.
(Does anyone else find Seth from The O.C. far more appealing than Ryan? I just want to take him home and eat him up!)
Alabaster and I were hosting a Murder Party (Pasta, Passion and Pistols) for his folks - it was his mum's birthday on Thursday, so they and six of their friends were going to do this LARP Game for the evening. It required a host and hostess so AlaMum and AlaDad could participate and have fun. The four of us spent the rest of the afternoon making sure everything was organised and ready for that night. Their lounge has been turned into a Little Italy Restaurant; the food was all prepared, the music was set up. I spent half an hour hand-sewing an apron for Al - take one white pillow-case, slit it open so it's two pieces attached by one seam, then sew on strings. Voila. AlaMum was "Claire Voyant" and AlaDad was "Father Alfredo" and their costumes were magnificent!
Obligatory food squee: huge antipasto platters with cold cuts, artichoke hearts, salmon, olives, marinated mushrooms, black caviar, and much more. Lasagne with green salads, tomato and basil salad, and marinated vegetables. And taramisu for dessert. Everything was homemade by AlaMum - and it was all divine (well, I don't know about the meaty stuff, but Al seemed to like it).
The eight of them had a wonderful evening - they got through eight bottles of wine, three of champagne, and phenomenal amounts of food. Al and I filled drinks, took out food and cleared the table, did the dishes and kept everything going smoothly, and generally ensured that the Game proceeded appropriately and according to schedule. It went a little off the rails as they drank more, but everyone had a marvellous time, and the murderer (and the reason) turned out to be a surprise to most of us. Al and I spent half the time snickering in the kitchen at the ribaldries and accusations, and the rest of the time rushed off our feet.
All in all, a complete success, although by midnight we were happy to exit the house back out into the appalling weather and wend out way homewards.
Sunday I was supposed to be going to a Pride and Prejudice (BBC Version) day, but I really needed some time out. So messed about with the renovations to my website (still in progress), and finished catching up on the TV I'd taped - Nip/Tuck, Alias and more Third Watch. Late afternoon I headed back out to see my much missed Ben (mmmmmmmm!), and spent the rest of the evening and night in his warm presence. It was a good note to end the weekend on.
No more pills! I finished the last of them at dinner last night. Now I just need to get some pro-biotics (according to
growler_south, which are available where
sussi works. Guess I'll need to make another excursion after work today ...
I'm a little concerned that the bleeding might start again - as it's possible up to three days after finishing the meds - but I'll have to take it as it comes, I guess. I've continued to cramp off and on over the last week, but nothing major. Updates as and when required.
And GOOD NEWS - I've had two more poems printed in Valley Micropress - this month has seen Lunar Adoration - Repeated and The Morning After the Year Before there for all to read. Heheh - this means Ben's body (the topic of Lunar) is now infamous. *grin*