There are 90 minutes of my life I shall never get back. 90 minutes of my life so terrible that I feel honour-bound to share them with you, dear readers. Only so you don't make the same mistake as I ...
When you're a household that likes anime, and particularly likes anime that stars giant robots (just look at our DVD shelf to see what I mean ...), then seeing
Magnos the Robot for sale on TradeMe looks intriguing. Don't be fooled!
We bought it. We watched it. We winced a lot, and groaned (and drank our beer with the need born of desperation), and made smart-ass MST3K-like comments about it. But mostly we cringed. It was appalling. According to my google-fu, the original Magnos was a 42 episode show, in Japan. What we saw was the 'US compilation' version. Dubbed, badly soundtracked, and nonsensical. Or something. Whether 42 episodes of this would have made any more sense, or simply driven me to complete insanity rather than partial, is unknown.
(If you're wondering about the subject heading up there, 'Xerxes Tyre-Iron Dada' is the bad guy's name, which made us giggle every time we heard it. At least, that's how his name sounded to us, and unless it's actually 'Xerxes Tyran Data' (just as bad), we have to wonder how seriously the show was being taken.)
The ultimate indignity, though, is that I found both reviews I came across more amusing than the DVD itself ... so go
read these, have a chuckle, and avoid this if you ever spot it in the local bargain bin.