Snow means love!

Aug 21, 2007 14:03

We're nearly at $3000! *falls over in amazement*

The response from friends, family, loves and co-workers has been great. As always, if you want to contribute we'd be very happy, and give our thanks in the form of a postcard from the Gold Coast (you even get a choice of nekkid, scenic, cute, or 'other'). Full details are here.

I was semi-social over the weekend. It all started well, meeting zesprii in BeachHaven for brunch (amazing Gallic cafe with yummy food). Unfortunately I was thwacked with some horrendous nausea, so after heading back home I spent the afternoon sleeping. I was going to go the munch, but kinda missed it. Many people arrived at The Manor and gummidged, but I mostly hid out either in bed or on the computer. And then crashed out about 9pm.

Sunday was much better, and I went to Orewa to bigtaz to help celebrate his daughter Aria's 9th birthday (she lives up there). It was pretty fun, albeit very pink. She loved her presents from Al (bright pink Barbie-themed suitcase, purple-and-pink duvet set, fluffy pink cushion to go with duvet) and me (pink-and-purple bathset, cat stamps), as well as from all the other aunties and grandparents and whatnot. Not that there are grandparents on our side, but her step-dad's folks and grandfolks were there as well as her mother's. So four generations in the house, along with the obligatory chippies, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages and devilled eggs.

This week is going to be relatively quiet, until the weekend. Yesterday afternoon I visited Sparky and Firecracker and _steelphoenix_ - got hugs, ate chocolate, watched Firecracker check out her new playstation and Phoenix cut up fabric for my new kimono top. Tonight moonspirit43 and radiofishlips are house-guesting with us, and on Thursday hiddendenim is joining us for dinner. Then it's EROTICA EXPO on the weekend. Which I've been really looking forward to! *does a wriggly happy dance*

I joined StumbleUpon - the great timesuck of amusement. Who else is using it?

Anyhow, I've been amusing myself mightily, and even found one item that I read a few years back and then lost.

So, dear readers, instead of doing some work, why don't you follow the links and try not to spit-take on your keyboard?
~ The Horror of Blimps
~ Fourteen Things That It Took Me Over 50 Years To Learn by Dave Barry
~ All I Ever Learned, I Learned from Anime
~ Pimp My Rice Paddy
~ Microsoft receive first ever error report

aria, anime, begging, taz

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