I have been horribly, horribly sick. So sick that I was too sick to post saying I was sick - and that's sick indeed!
Monday night = Deb is just fine. All good.
Tuesday morning = a little coughy. But still feeling pretty damn good.
Tuesday midday = my legs decide that working is not a fun thing to be doing. I'm a little dizzy. I go home from work.
Tuesday mid-afternoon = I already had a doctor's appointment booked (six month checkup, re-do all my prescriptions). I drive very carefully over, explain the increasing horribleness. I get checked out, informed that i have a chest infection and an inner ear infection. Hence the vertigo and the coughing. I drive home even more carefully, and lie myself down.
Wednesday and Thursday = I manage to shower both days. I drink ginger ale. I read and sleep a lot. Eating is absolutely minimal. Computer time is limited to ten minutes post-shower, before I feel cruddy and go back to bed.
Friday = I actually get out of bed. Spend most of the day on the couch. Discover the unpleasantness absolute hideousness of sharting (and if you don't know what that is, you're really safer remaining ignorant. Although Google, as always, will enlighten you). Get a sore throat from the coughing. Ate toast, successfully.
Blerg. Still alive. And
fuzzy_ben and
bigtaz have taken good care of me. Still, no Armageddon for Deb. Just not a smart move.
*goes back to bed*