So, you know that ideal part-time job that I've been doing for the last month - working four hours a day, with my own office, getting paid really well? Tomorrow was supposed to be the last day of it, as I was initially asked to do a project that finished when financial end-of-year does (ie: tomorrow).
But yesterday Shaft came up to my office to rest for a minute and to steal some chocolate fish, so I asked him if he wanted me to come in on Monday. He looked at me like I was completely insane, and said "Of course! I already have the next project sorted out for you."
The upshot? I've been offered permanent part-time work (20-30 hrs a week, flexi-time) for as long as it suits me. I get to stay in the lovely upstairs office, which will have shelving and filing space added to it, and a lock put on the door (a lock!). I get to not learn the general admin side of the business, as Shaft doesn't want me getting dragged into the day-to-day affairs. And I get a nice shiny new project to work on, once this one is tidied away.
*Deb dances*
Colour me very pleased. This means I can ease myself back into a little more work as it suits me - up to five hours a day; I can sleep longer on days I'm feeling crappy; and I can hide in my office and not be bothered all that much and get my work done. And continue to get paid rather well, so that I can get off the sickness benefit and associated payouts.
fuzzy_ben and I can get going on our life plans. Holiday! Elopement! Savings! (note: not necessarily in that order. In fact, probably the exact opposite.)
*preens* I am a contributorb to the household and to a business. And I am wanted. This makes me very, very happy.