Am still seriously not well. I've been off work since 10am Tuesday, when I stumbled drove carefully home and collapsed. I spent the rest of Tuesday on the couch with the heater on full and blankets wrapped around me. That evening was still on the couch, in the company of Ben and FuzzyMum and
alastayr watching Without a Paddle (lent by MetroPom) and Shaun of the Dead (which Fuzzy Mum had not seen).
I slept very late and spent ALL of Wednesday in bed, reading or sleeping, but emerged after 5pm because we were going to dinner with RPL and husband, and I didn't want to miss it. Showered and wrapped up (layered) really warm. Dinner at Nishiki, marvellous as always. I was glad for the layering, as i kept getting very hot, and then cold again. The damn lurgy went from throat down into chest, and has reulted in much phlegm and sinus headaches that melt into the migraine so I can't tell which is which.
Interesting, despite the deathly illness, my sex drive is back and very insistent. My body really is very odd. Still, made the most of it, rather carefully (and quietly) quite a few times since Monday.
This morning I had no voice so got Ben to call the Temp Line at Hudsons for me, and spent the morning in bed reading old Listeners. Just rang Hudsons again now, and I am going to go back into work late tomorrow and talk to the boss there. She has been very understanding, but it's time to get out and my ethics won't let me flee without finishing the last bits and tidying up the loose ends.
Damn ethics.
Really considering, once this is sorted, just not working for a few weeks and trying to get well. But again, not good for the bank balance. *sigh* Not that it's all that good right now anyhow.
Like having FuzzyMum here. She's nice. But I never thought I'd get tired of someone else tidying the house. Apparently I like having a small amount of disorder around me. That and being able to find my book ten minutes after putting it down in the lounge.
Oh, and
bigtaz did an update the other day. Go have a read, if you're so inclined.
*stumbles off*