It's raining here for the first time in a few weeks, and it's getting me kinda blue. The sky is white-grey, solid and impenetrable, and the frigid air is making me wish I was curled up at home in bed. But I have my heater at my feet, and don't have to venture out of the confines of my office, so I can't complain too much. Well I can, but pretty much no one will listen!
My aunt called this morning - Arana, my cousin, had read my LJ from the weekend, and had forwarded a copy of it down to her. It never occurred to me that I should take the time and trouble to copy my entry and post it to her, but now I have the guilts about it. Apparently she thought that maybe we didn't want her to know, because she's family, This perplexes me - if I didn't want people to know, I wouldn't have it on the internet. Everyone else who's interested takes the time to go to the webpage and look, but apparently I am supposed to make an exception. So what should I be emailing? Every entry? Or only the ones that are 'important' enough? Colour me mildly frustrated at this. Nice to know that she cares, but I don't want or need the guilt trip.
Had my SNIPS writing group last night, and we got some work done on Yve's story, and also on Return to Echo, the story I'm writing. It's coming reeeally slowly, but I'm happy with the direction it's taking, and I'm not in a hurry. It will make itself as it's ready to be made. We met at Sussi's new house, and drank tea and gossiped and talked about books (as well as doing the actual writing thing). I got to play with Sussi's rat, appropriately named Ratty. He's a lovely brown and white fat wee beastie. Well behaved too - when he'd had enough scampering around and giving out the rat-love, he clambered back up into his cage, dropped himself in, and fell asleep in his newspaper. Very cute.
We finished about 9:30, so I went up to
neongraal's for the end of our Anime Evening. Swordladycat had been lent a 1/2 hour piece called
Voices of a Distant Star, which was incredibly beautiful, a good story, and made me want to weep. Also, it mixed true love with giant robots, which was pretty damn cool.
Terribly exciting, I know. Not every day's a drama in Deborah-land - just most of them.