Hey, all.
Remember when not too long ago, I posted briefly about the "
We're a culture, not a costume" posters and how awesome they were?
Predictably, there's been some backlash (oh, wait, "parody" because it's totally ironic, you gaiz) started in which dogs, vampires, daleks and other non-real non-humans feature in the roles previously held by ACTUAL persons who face ACTUAL discrimination.
Because Daleks are an actual real group of actual real people who have actual real feelings which can be actually really hurt, you know.
Anyway, I've been seeing the "parody" posters around, but
KnowYourMeme.com went ahead and collected some of them, with a bonus addition of a video from a guy (a white guy, natch) who apparently takes issue with the whole idea of the original campaign on its face.
I confess; I didn't bother watching the video 'cause, y'know, heck with that guy.
You'll also find a
particularly racist gem of an image in the gallery that KnowYourMeme put together at the bottom of the main page. Just in case anyone wants to argue (that is to say: lie) that the counter-campaign is just a harmless parody and not about putting persons of color "in their place"