Well now that we've all started to move on from recent trollerific happenings here, I'm struck by something that seems to be a common theme to the goings on.
At the same time that certain people will ferociously disavow any sort of benefits from institutional racism, admit any way in which racism shapes their thinking towards people that aren't white, demand to be recognized for listening to hip hop, etc., there is this desperate need to 'connect' w/ POC. To engage with POC in what are ostensibilty POC-oriented spaces, have POC "teach" them whatever and whenever they want to know. Being so lacking in anything approaching a context, as to hold up that other community as a definitive example of *all* blackfolks and how 'they' behave.
Our recent posterchild kept saying variations on the theme of 'i just want to belong.' Her partner in crime gleefully announced that his behavior in that other community got 'girls' (presumably black ones) to friend his livejournal. And we've all seen folks roll up in here determined to prove the nonexistence of white racism and privilege by displaying a prize herd of POC friends...
Oh, and icon announcement: made by the lovely and talented shedevil