Since a few people have asked: the Apex Raffle is still ongoing, and right now managing editor Jason Sizemore and I are tied for bids on our short story critiques. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't work. The more I think about it, the more awful it is to contemplate...a tie means that everyone will think we're a couple of those happy, friendly, public television after-school-special types who hang around saying things like "Everyone's a Winner" and "Isn't it nice how things turned out?"
This cannot happen. Please, for the sake of all that is good and evil, cast your final bids. Allow one of us to taunt the other, to do a little happy dance of victory, to at least say, "Nyah, nyah, I won!"
Bidding ends tomorrow night, 10pm by those wacky Kentuckians' time.
Visit the raffle. Save a little black soul. And remember, a portion of all proceeds do go to help literacy. It's all part of the Apex plan for global domination. For more details on the smackdown, visit the
Apex Forum on
In other news, I attended Mile Hi Con this past weekend and had a great time. Readers, writers, editors and artists were in abundant supply, and some of them even listened to me yap about art, small press, pitch letters, and of course, Apex Digest. To everyone I met there, great to meet you, and I'm sure I'll see some of you again, either through your work or at another con.
Oh, and I bought an evil cookie jar in the art auction. Now I just have to find some demonic chocolate chips.