!!MOD NOTE: A few hopefully small setbacks

Jan 13, 2011 08:46

Deb was going to be discharged today, but Laurie posted last night:
She developed pain in her left shoulder during the night, which could indicate a hernia, and since her bowel pain isn't getting better either, the docs also are wondering if she has a bowel obstruction. She had a CT scan this evening to check for both of these problems, but hasn't been told the results yet. Her blood sugar is much better today, but she's unable to eat due to pain and is now getting some sort of I.V. nutrition.

Darren has finally gotten a room in the hospital proper. Naty says he's fine, but having problems with pain, and his breathing is still being monitored, so he's probably not going to be discharged any time soon.

Fingers crossed that whatever is up with Deb is easily treated and she can get onto solid food again soon!

!!mod note, !!laurie and deb update

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