Title: (Non-existent) Destiny's thread
debskClaim: Minho/Taemin
Prompt: #2- Me & You
Fandom: SHINee
Rating: PG
Word Count: 710
Summary: Soldiers life starts when they are selected into a team. For Minho, the previous wait ends being something much more important that time to evaluate potential rivals and teammates.
Notes/Warnings: This is an
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Please tell me that you will continue the plot through other ficlet. I'll be a happy shipper ♥
Thank you for sharing!
You're my first comment ever in English fandom!! I'm so glad someone liked it!
I'm doing the full table in the same AU. Minho and Taemin are going to go through the process of meeting and falling in love and then being in love ^_^ And, if things go according to plan, I'll post one ficlet every second day or so xD
Lol I won't mind commenting to a nice piece that I really enjoy, bb. In the upcoming installment, do leave me a spot and I won't forget to comment ;)
Oh dear, you have no idea how happy I am. It means that I'm going to get a regular, supernatural/AU dose of 2Min every other day. That is just lovely ♥
This is going to sound so much like a newbie... and to think I've been on lj five years LOL... What is a spot and how do you leave it? LOL *ashamed*
Well, let's see if it's worth your time or not xD. The second part is already up ^^
I don't know if this unique to k-pop fandom or not but I honestly never encountered it in other fandom, and I've never spotted a comment thread and/or given a spot before (Newbie here too. Been in the fandom less than 1/2 a year :p). Some might consider author reserving spots, especially a lot of those, is a way to force commenting. But some feels special if being given spot by the author :)
Umm...that's it I guess? Does my explanation makes any sense? If not, I'll be back later cos I'm off reading the second part *runs*
From now on, you'll have a spot if you want it LOL
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