Tree Rescue

Mar 03, 2012 21:22

Today I rescued another tree.  Which probably sounds a bit odd but is literally what I did.

My little townhouse is an end unit and at the bottom of the yard between my set and the next set is a drainage gully.  When I got the place it was a bit weedy with some trash trees but not horrid.  Over the next couple years it grew up a good bit and I didn't like it but I'd just trim the bits that blocked my gate or drooped over my fence.  But then I got the little white dog.  And suddenly the fact that the trashy trees were mulberry trees and the vines were pulling them sideways into my yard became an issue.  As in my little white dog spent a good deal of the spring purple.  And pooped the most disgusting berry filled poops.

Time to clean that crap up.  Unfortunately the job was/is daunting.  So when we had an uncommonly warm February saturday I grabbed my loppers and started pulling vines.  It's far easier without leaves on everything.  I mostly cleared the tree next to my fence (and trimmed everything hanging over my yard).  I partially cleared the one next to it, and cut many faux grape vines off at the dirt.

Today I tackled the one out the back of my fence.  More icky faux grape and worse some weird mutant sticker bush with stalks like green broom handles going straight up.  The top is not exactly viney but nearly so.  Needless to say this was a much ickier and  more painful outing.  But I was victorious.  Another tree saved.

Of course there's like 10 more trees down there and probably 100 bags or more of crap to be removed.  (When they start picking up yard waste again I'm going to practically fill the truck.) But even if I don't get it all I am making a dent in it.  And while I'm sure some mulberries will find there way in, I think I have eliminated a good bit of the potential for purple dog.
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