
Sep 05, 2005 14:45

I have very much come to the conclusion that time is not linear. It may logically progress in seconds, minutes and hours but our experiences warp it in a way that isn’t logical. Sometimes a minute or so can take hours to pass, Sometimes quite the opposite is true. I seem to live about three days for every one that passes right now, such is the richness of my life experience at the moment.

Since 10th August:
A very entertaining evening spent at black rocks climbing, running, jumping and general trespassing while gathering stack and stacks of reference photos for R’s art work. We spent an evening in with K and D and several bottles of red wine. That was excellent rest and recoup, thanks guys. :( missed Tracey’s party in preparation for receiving Freya.

Wales: A night at my brothers left us TV’d out - from a norm of 10 mins TV/week to watching 4 soap operas and hours of CSI. It was good to catch-up though and Freya loved spending time with her cousin. A call in to see R’s mum, Bundle and new kittens then on to cousin Josie’s. Freya had a good late night with her new found partner’s in crime and R and I got rudely awakened about 6.30 by the bouncy castle (airbed) fairy squad. A trip to the park and visit to the zoo left Freya exhausted. Back in Derby and Freya learns to ride her bike without stabalisers under R’s expert tuition and she is left with Mamma and Grandad.

Wales - again… Suzy and Richie’s wedding. We were greeted with much enthusiasm, as the help that had been arranged hadn’t turned up. So several hours of chopping and cutting later saw the happy couple and all guests fed and we had a laugh. Home, spent whole day in bed with R and copious amounts of alcohol - the decadence….*grins* and back to Wales again for R’s family gathering.

Was press ganged by thedivinegoat to watch Firefly after she returned from her special screening of Serenity and wow we have now seen at least some of it and it is really good *grin* recommended. I got to meet the whole family (there’s hundreds of them….) and managed to be not too intimidated. Highlights were team tent operation and meeting Nicky, playing (very badly) frisby, mister_jack ‘s beer, the BBQ, playing footie with Summer and Owen, getting invited to S and R’s for the night wow - thanks… I think the best thing though was looking over the photos with R and K.

Back in Derby for our Gathering. It was good to catch up with everyone. I found TG a bit strange this year. There were several points that were really good and several occurances that weren’t so good. I loved the RP, especially the stuff about the three priestesses, Hercules, Turbot, Sane, Brothers Freddick, Andraste, Marcus and the slightly more dodgy stuff to do with Brother David *grin*. I think I was a bit stressed about Freya’s birthday for most of it though - which went well… thanks to R, C and J.

So back to work, a trip to the last but one Fink, which was a bit thin on the ground but still good non-the-less got to meet captainweasel and very entertaining Jill, then a night at Corporation with a chance to meet Roger under slightly more normal circumstances…. Would like to make the dark-wave and EBM night a week on Thursday.

Thanks all for making my life worth it, especially my Beloved, who for the whole world, truly does look amazing in a bin liner *G*
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