Spuffy Fic - There’s A First Time for Everyone (Chapter 1)

Nov 03, 2010 21:08

I did say I would get back to my writing ... but procrastination tends to win ... anyway, I have chapter 1 of a new fic!

It is set immediately at the end of  "Hells Bells" in BtVS's Season 6 .... and the plot bunnies came from a  prompt on schmoop_bingo  of First Date.

1260 words, and no warnings needed!

Again I want to give a million thanks to mabel_marsters ... she has been a ( Read more... )

btvs, wip, fan fic, spuffy, season 6, schmoop bingo

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Comments 30

petzipellepingo November 3 2010, 21:13:34 UTC
Awwww... that's just lovely.


debris4spike November 3 2010, 21:40:43 UTC
Thank you - I am getting focussed on the rest of the fic ... so hope that you like that as well!


cbtreks November 3 2010, 22:36:11 UTC
I'm glad this is Chapter 1 - you've gotten me interested in what's next. I like this.


debris4spike November 4 2010, 08:31:08 UTC
Thank you - it started as a small idea but then it got "out of hand" in seeing the main characters learn a bit about themselves.


strikske November 4 2010, 06:02:59 UTC
I do hope you get the next chapter out soon, because I SOOO want to know what happens. You made an amazing start with this conversation between Tara and Buffy. Tara really talks some sense in her and I hope she doesn't chicken out when she sees Spike at the Bronze.


debris4spike November 4 2010, 08:32:19 UTC

I love Tara - and really had wanted to see her and Buffy become friends.

The story started as a small idea but then it got "out of hand" in seeing the main characters learn a bit about themselves.


sarian71 November 4 2010, 06:24:55 UTC
Good start! Tara's such a nice person, and it's good to see that Buffy really appreciates her friendship.

I hope Spike does show up to the Bronze!


debris4spike November 4 2010, 08:33:01 UTC
Thank you - I love Tara and really had wanted to see her and Buffy become friends.

The story started as a small idea but then it got "out of hand" in seeing the main characters learn a bit about themselves


missus_grace November 4 2010, 06:39:46 UTC
Ooh! Great start!


debris4spike November 4 2010, 08:33:43 UTC
Thank you very much - it had only started as a small idea, but it's been good to explore the people a bit more.


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