What A Weekend!!!!

Nov 09, 2009 17:58

The weekend started off with a bit of an upset for Mum and dad - as I told them that I had made the decision to try to get a ticket to see James in London, even though it was ona Sunday.  Even the moral blackmail didn't change my mind.

So, Saturday progressed - cleaning for Mum and Dad in the morning .... Actually getting quite a bit done for them ( Read more... )

doctor, rl, eyes, thanks, james

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Comments 35

lifefailsme November 9 2009, 19:16:11 UTC
Bloody hell, what a weekend, but hey, you got the ticket! \0/

So glad you are okay *hug* I am very happy for you X-D

Now give me Jiffy!


debris4spike November 9 2009, 19:41:36 UTC
Jiffy was my nurse over the weekend - he needs to rest now!

Squeeeeeeeeee for ticket!


enigmaticblues November 9 2009, 19:17:36 UTC
Yikes! I'm glad you're feeling better, and that you got a ticket. That sounds scary!


debris4spike November 9 2009, 19:42:08 UTC
What a lot I packed into 2 days!!!


deborahw37 November 9 2009, 19:30:03 UTC
Oh you poor thing!

Take care of yourself and YAY on getting tickets!


debris4spike November 9 2009, 19:43:46 UTC
Thanks Deb - Hope you are feeling better.

Yes - Carolyn is the best! We'll see you there!!!!


mad_brilliant_ November 9 2009, 19:34:55 UTC
Oh dear. Feel better soon! And congrats on the ticket! :)


debris4spike November 9 2009, 19:44:21 UTC
Thanks - what a weird weekend.

Yes, spikereader is the bestest.


kazzy_cee November 9 2009, 19:48:06 UTC
Sorry to hear about the eye! I wonder where the chemical burn came from?? Hope it's feeling better today.


debris4spike November 9 2009, 20:41:56 UTC
Weird, I could think of nothing at the time it hurt - if it had been 3 hours earlier it could have been cleaner or something.

Oh well, it is on the mend - so that's the main thing.


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