Nov 24, 2023 11:53
What a scary thought.
Bathroom cleaned, much of my bedroom done ... and the freezer part of the fridge-freezer has been de-frosted and cleaned.
Later today I have a sports massage ... and for the first time in over 2 years the leg injury is not my prime point of pain. The exercises have worked (at long last). I know that the lateral muscle is really never going to heal ... it is much more settled, but s constant ache at the site of the tear. The calf has re-settled though which was the one that was causing me to really struggle. The trouble is over the last couple of weeks, what with the trip to London, and the leg feeling better I have been forgetting to do the exercises, so must re-start them again ASAP rather than flare up the injuries again! So the treatment will be able to concentrate on my long term upper body aches (they started back when I was run over in 1982) .... but again, I can be positive, in that I haven't had treatment for some months as the appointment has been concentrating on the leg.
After the massage I am coming home via the supermarket ... I have just done an "empty the freezer" over the last few weeks, so need to re-stock things ... thus the pre-emptive cleaning.
Then I aim to relax and have a lazy evening ... otherwise it will be a bit of a waste of money on the massage.
I will try and catch up with you all before I head off, but don't aim to sit at the pc for the same reason as above ... let my shoulders relax and settle.
So, before I post this -
24 - Flossing Day: Do you floss regularly?
No never - my teeth are so tightly packed that even a dentist can’t get their fine floss between most of my teeth.
Right, let's get on x
daily meme