Monday, Monday

Oct 30, 2023 11:12

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Yes, I love music of the 60's. But was at senior school in the 70's, so

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However, as I have the day off, I am enjoying this Monday, so far!

Right, let's do some scribbling ...

The weekend went well, although I still managed to get caught a couple of times in the rain. We have had some totally short, but very heavy, showers of rain. Luckily for me, both times I was on my way home, so that way you can get dry (& warm) easily.

Had a great time with Tim & Claire ... lovely to spend time with them. I had rough plans to meet Brenda today, but when we spoke yesterday we both realised we had loads of housework etc to do ... so, I am here instead.

Washing is on the line, and I have managed to sort a couple of things out that I have needed to do. I have one more set of photos to post, and then you are all up to date with my Europe trip ... And, next week I am off to London, so loads more to come in a couple of weeks (you have been warned!)

So, off today, and then clinics for the next 3 mornings. They are still trying to sort out my registration with the new company. They have said they will at some point sort out the spelling on my surname, but it will be some time. I think they are hoping that I will forget!

Now I want to get those final photos sorted, so -

30 - Haunted Refrigerator Night: Sometimes you forget about certain things that are in your fridge. And while you may have forgotten about them, they certainly haven't forgotten about you. Instead, they sit lurking in the back of the refrigerator waiting for you to delve into its darkest corners and unleash the disgusting rotten mess that lurks within those Tupperware sarcophagi. Is there anything lurking in the deepest recesses of your fridge that you're afraid to look at or deal with?
My fridge is reasonably small (after all, there is only me), so tend to know what is in there. I am a good girl and sort my 2 small freezers out a few times a year, so again, things aren't too ancient there, either.

Right, will catch up again soon x

rl, you tube, daily meme

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